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We believe that every child is created for a purpose


We offer a nursery program that caters to the unique needs of children from 3 years old to 4 years old.  During this phase children are enjoying the development of language skills and imagination opportunities.  They enjoy learning new words, making up imaginary stories, building relationships, managing their emotions and learning moral values.  They are very curious at this age and want to know how, why, what about everything.  They enjoy working independently on their own ideas.  They are developing their pincer grip and the use of their wrists and fingers.

We encourage children to learn what is right from wrong, and how to socialize with the friends so that everyone can be happy and have a good time.  We encourage them to use their imagination through role play and imaginative play based around our themes.  We explore the themes through worksheets, construction play, sensory equipment, stories, art and crafts, manipulative play, mathematics and language.  


We introduce the children to the Montessori sensorial area with materials that are specifically designed to provide concrete examples of abstract concepts (such as color, texture, sound, taste, and scent.)  Sensorial work teaches children to investigate and define their environment, classify and organize objects, develop perspective and critical thinking, and enhances fine and gross motor skills. Sensorial learning is in all subject areas including Mathematics, Language, Culture and Science, and Practical Life. Sensorial materials build a classroom environment that is fun, welcoming, inclusive, and inspiring and that provides your child with the perfect space to develop a life-long love of learning. 


We also introduce them to the Montessori practical life area with practical life activities

that refer to an increasingly challenging series of small motor tasks involving practical

real-life goals such as cleaning a table or washing a plate. Not only do practical life

activities help children master everyday tasks, they also foster independence, body control

and coordination of movement, concentration and a sense of order.


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